Further accessible offers
Of course, there are other businesses and activities in Sankt Wendel County that deal with the topic of accessibility and provide offers. Please note that they have not been rated according to accessibility. The information refers to the statements of the respective operators and serves solely as a decision-making aid. Please check for yourself whether the respective facility is geared towards your needs or contact the relevant establishment before you arrive.
Places of interest

Foto: Anton Didas
St. Mauritius Benedictine Abbey and monastery garden in Tholey
- Disabled parking spaces available
- Access to the abbey church possible via a ramp
- Abbey church, visitor centre and monastery garden can be visited in a wheelchair
- Disabled toilet available
- Disabled toilet in Tholey town hall (note the opening times!)

Foto: Anton Didas
Mount Schaumberg with Mount Schaumberg tower in Tholey
- Certified according to "Reisen für Alle"
- Disabled parking spaces available
- Disabled toilet available
- Mount Schaumberg plateau and catering outlets as well as the sky tent are accessible by wheelchair
- Exhibition rooms and the viewing platform of the Mount Schaumberg tower are accessible by a lift and can be visited without restrictions

Foto: Josef Bonenberger
Mia-Münster-Haus with St. Wendel town museum
- Disabled parking space available in Wilhelmstrasse
- Disabled toilet in the immediate vicinity
- District library and town museum accessible without steps and by a lift

Foto: Eike Dubois
Härtelwald Marian Worship Site in Marpingen
- Disabled parking space in the immediate vicinity of Mary's Chapel
- Mary's Chapel and visitor pavilion are accessible without steps and via a ramp
- Disabled toilet available
- Mary's Spring can also be reached via the forest path, please register in advance with the municipal administration (+49 6853-91160)

Foto: Florian Rech
Hiwwelhaus farmhouse in Alsweiler
- Accessible without steps
- Disabled toilet available

Foto: Anton Didas
Veldenz Castle in Nohfelden
- Access to the first plateau by a lift, during events also to the second plateau Plateau
- Disabled parking space available
- Disabled toilet in car park

Foto: ATB/Josef Bonenberger
Freisen Mineral Museum
- No designated disabled parking spaces, but ample parking opportunities available directly in front of the museum
- Access to the museum possible with the help of a ramp
Recreational activities

Foto: Frank Rauber
Bostalsee Leisure Centre
- Disabled parking space available
- Disabled toilets along the circular lake trail
- Lake Administration office entrance accessible without steps
- Circular lake trail certified according to "Reisen für Alle"
- Lake promenade and lawn for sunbathing are wheelchair accessible (accompanying person recommended)
- Free rental of a lightweight wheelchair for use in the grounds of the Bostalsee Leisure Centre (for more information, call +49 6851 801-8100)
- Tour around Lake Bostalsee with the virtual tour guide: All the important information and interesting facts in text form or through voice output on your smartphone or tablet

Foto: Peter Böhnel
DK Bow-Factory
- Disabled parking space available
- Disabled toilet available
- Part of the course can be accessed with a wheelchair (archery meadow), further expansion of the facility for people with wheelchairs is planned
- Course for people with impaired hearing possible (course instructor with "Hören mit Herz" certification)

Foto: Stefan Kuhn
Nahe Spring with Wildlife Park in Selbach
- Access to the Nahe Spring and Wildlife Park via a forest path
- Disabled toilet available

Foto: Stefan Kuhn
Mount Peterberg leisure centre with summer toboggan run
- Disabled parking spaces available
- Recreational area, terraces and catering outlets accessible without steps
- Disabled toilet available

Foto: Gemeinde Marpingen
Urexweiler swimming pool
- Swimming pool accessible without steps via the rear entrance (prior registration required)
- Disabled access to swimming pool via lifts

Foto: Eike Dubois
Wendelinushof working farm
- Disabled parking spaces available
- Disabled toilet available in the farm kitchen restaurant
- Farm shop, farm kitchen and garden centre accessible without steps